Friday, May 31, 2019


Oh Jax. I dont know that I even have words. Your mommy and daddy went through so much to bring you into our world. You came a little early and were a fighter even at that moment. Mommy wanted you so badly she risked it all. Nursing school and even life. You little man are worth every effort she put into you. The youngest of my crew and mommy's last. Set the world on fire like I know you will. I love you with everything I am. It's a bitter sweet moment to think that this very well could be my last grandchild. The close the line of legacy. I am in awe of this little guy. He looks exactly like Tristan. It is amazing how much. It's just like I am watching my first grandchild all over. But this is my last. Talk about mirror image. It is strange to say the least. Watching your kids bring kids into this world and watching\ it all spin around you. Oh the circle of life. I just thank God every day about 1000 times for all the wonderful blessings and giving me the opportunity to be here and see them.

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